Mens Fashion

Do You Really Need a Fresh Winter Wardrobe?

This article takes a humorous look at men’s fashion, querying whether a complete new look for winter is really necessary.

Staying Relevant

You probably think that you look pretty good, don’t you? Your clothes all fit well, you wear well cut jeans, smart plimsolls and have a blazer or warmer jacket that you can wear at any time depending on the weather conditions.

Then you open up a newspaper or magazine, or look on a website, and see that actually your look is about six months out of date and that you should be spending fortunes on bringing your look up to date. This is quite a common occurrence at this time of the year, as we move into winter from the warmer months.

winter wardrobe 2013

How do men treat the transition from season to season?

Time for a Jacket

The most obvious, practical, and pragmatic approach is that you wear the same clothes in the winter as you would do in the summer. You go out and buy a jumper and a coat, perhaps, and that does the trick.

Apparently not, at least not if you are partial to reading certain magazines or visiting particular fashion sites and blogs. Just how much money do they think men have?! At this time of year, surely buying Christmas presents for loved ones and making sure you have some spare cash in case the car packs up in the snow is more important that updating your wardrobe with a flash new t-shirt or pair of jeans!

The killer is not the fact that you are spending £100 on a pair of jeans, it is the fact that you’re spending money to be told in a three months’ time that actually, they are not fashionable anymore! Work that out pro-rata, which is £33 a month for a pair of jeans, in effect! This is madness on the grandest scale, and looking at jeans is the safe end of the spectrum. Just look at how many winter jackets are available at north of £500, and think about how great it will look in a charity shop in February when it is no longer “in.”

What to Do

Obviously when it comes to fashion it is each to their own, however not every man has the money, or the willingness, to shell out on buying a completely new wardrobe every six months, especially when they will wear an item a handful of times before finding out that it isn’t deemed stylish anymore.

Stick to your plan, stock up on winter essentials but don’t spend everything you’ve got – they won’t be any good in a few months’ time, after all.

Stylepilot is an online fashion navigation on men style.


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