People often make plans from the starting of the December month for welcoming the first day of the next year. It should be fun to celebrate the New Year eve. Some of them love to party in a public gathering, while most of the others stay home and enjoy celebrating with their family. Well, if you belong to the second group of people and looking for some interesting and fun ways to have a good time together, this blog is for you.

Bring a good New Year Cake
Well, serving a New Year’s cake at the midnight is originally a Greek tradition. It is called ‘Vasilopita’. Get the best New Year cakes to celebrate at midnight with your loving family. According to the tradition, a coin or charm remains hidden inside this special cake while baking. It is believed that whoever gets the coin is supposed to have good fortune throughout the year. So, make this New Year special with this traditional sweet treat and a bit of good luck
New Year’s Ball at home
So what if you are at home! You can easily turn your room into a disco ballroom with a few arrangement like strings of lights, some new curtains, and some dance music. Make your song list according to your likings so that everyone can have a fun dancing together. I am sure, you will never regret for not going out for partying in a discotheque! Fill your disco ball with small candies and glittery papers. Let it break at the midnight.
Family Movie show
Most of us have loads of family videos and get no time to watch them together and enjoy those memories. New Year eve is the best moment to look at them and spend this last evening watching those ‘family movies’ together. And don’t forget the popcorns during the show! You can have an interval between the movies and enjoy the cake cutting or enjoy the ball dancing.
Try a different sort of meal
On the last evening of the year, try something different at the family dinner. Make those mother’s recipes that you all haven’t cooked for a long time, or even you can find out some new dishes online. Everybody loves to have a communal meal. When the dish is ready, gather around the pot with individual spoons. Now turn by turn everybody have your spoonful of the dish, enjoy! I am sure you will remember this unique way of having a family dinner, for a long time.
Let your faults and bad luck disaapear
Along with the Greek tradition of cutting cakes for New Year, try this New Year’s activity of Colombia, South America, it will be fun! Just like the Americans, prepare a dummy for the old year (Año Viejo) with cardboard or sturdy paper, and prepare its clothing by either drawing or with some scraps of old clothes. Now turn this dummy into shreds at midnight and burn it. While you are destroying the Año Viejo, you need to read out loudly your individual faults and bad lucks to vanished with the old year.