Fashion Trends

Halloween Costumes On Flickr

If you’re stuck for a costume idea for this year’s Halloween you could do considerably worse than turning to Flickr for some inspiration. Here are just a few of the cracking costumes we found on the photo sharing repository…

Zombify Me

Over the last few years there has been a love of all things zombie and this is demonstrated by huge attendance at zombie walks. Zombie walks occur all over the world and are a chance for anyone who fancies it to present themselves as the walking dead by donning costume and make up. There are loads of photographs of people partaking in these gruesome rallies, but we picked this fine effort from an event in New Jersery.

Zombify Me

Old Kid

There’s something disconcerting about this fellow. Maybe it’s the fact he looks six and sixty at the same time! Simple application of black face paint and, “Boo. I’m a child-sized witch-finder general coming for your daughter.” What’s really cool about this is that you get the impression the little dude has no idea how scary he is. Running around trick or treating, having a ball while seriously freaking out all the grown-ups. Brilliant!

Old Kid

Wolf In A Suit

If werewolves wore suits would we be less worried about asking them what the time was? This look is a good one and really flexible too. Your only expense is the rubber mask and although this person has opted for the man-wolf, you could go whatever way you wanted. Ensure the neck of the costume is tucked into your collar and the effect is instant. The image is titled ‘mod wolf’, but with those roaming eyes ‘mad wolf’ might be a better description.

Wolf In A Suit

Devil Dog

Aww. Halloween isn’t all about being scary. In this case it’s also about being cute. Yes, fancy dress is no longer just a pastime of bipeds. Doggy costumes are great fun as this little guy is proving. Admittedly he’s not entirely convincing in his role as the overlord of Hell, but that’s just because he’s so damn adorable!

Devil Dog

Referential Fancy Dress

Can this be described as a post-modern take on post modernism? Probably not, but it is superb. This dude has done a remarkable job of recreating one of Banksy’s most replicated stencils. The camera shy artist’s flower throwing terrorist will have been seen by many in cities all over the world making this effort instantly recognisable.

Hopefully these ideas will have the creative juices flowing when it comes to your own costumes this year, making you ready for a Halloween to remember!

Referential Fancy Dress

Barry Fry love Halloween, which is he’s the perfect man for the job of trying on the many Halloween costumes available at Find Me A Gift.


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