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Mitchell Royèl Dedicates Revenge Issue To Survivor of Domestic Terrorist Attack

Mitchell Royèl Dedicates

On March 8th, social media personality Mitchell Royel (born Mitchell Carlisle Abbott) announced to his followers that one of his closest friends, professional model Giavanna Whited was allegedly stabbed in the face after attending a Buddhist gathering in what appears to be a domestic terrorist attack. On the status he cc’d Nio Alexander who was the first to break the story.

In response, Mitchell Royel has opted to formally dedicate the Revenge Issue of his digital magazine Elixir by Royel to her, by following lines, he posted on his personal Instagram account;

I’ve been in tears all day. This morning after learning about this, I cleared my entire schedule. I‘m devastated over this horrific case of domestic terrorism. Days ago, on her way from a Buddhist gathering, one of my best friends @giavannawhited was brutally assaulted and stabbed in the face by a domestic terrorist, who was performing a gang initiation. Details are still unclear. I am overwhelmed. What matters most at this point is that my best friend survived this cowardly attack alive. When I was at my lowest, going through a severe episode of depression, Gia was there for me. When I had lost everything, alone, with no support, she saw something in me. She encouraged me to get back into the entertainment industry and relaunch my digital magazine when nobody else believed. For that reason, the next issue will be formally dedicated to her. I love you Gia. Stay strong. cc: @nio_alexandar“”

According to Giavanna Whited’s model boyfriend Nio Alexandar, Whited was assaulted and stabbed in the face right by her house returning from a Buddhist meeting. “Supposedly it was for a gang initiation. Nothing upsets me more than pointless violence against someone minding their own business.” adds Alexandar, while mentioning he’s beyond grateful that Whited is safe, sound and being cared for at home.

Dedicated to Giavanna Whited; Elixir by Royèl will be released on March 23 at elixirbyroyel.com featuring many talented people telling their own stories.



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