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Do You Suffer From an Overpowering Smell of Perfume?

Say you work in a cube office environment. Your co-worker who sits beside you love perfumes so much.

You don’t mind if she wears perfume during office hours, but she irritates you – she wears a perfume with strong scents that make you uncomfortable.

It hurts your nose. You feel dizzy after a while. You can’t stand by that overpowering smell. Your head is spinning. You can’t breath easily. It makes you want to throw out.

You can’t work with this kind of trouble. So you want to talk to your colleague to let her know the severity of your allergy.

Let your offending colleague aware your situation. Ask her politely to refrain from wearing the perfume at work. You may ask her to tone her perfume down, perhaps applying just a dab would be suffice. Avoidance would be better.

Request for some time to office mate or your employer about fragrance allergies, including what each person can do to help reduce the “fragrance overload” in a work place.

Usually these kind of perfumes are produced with Alcohol. That’s why it irritates you and hurts your nose. It’s not comfortable perfume ever for you. It’s possible that the chemicals used in the formulation of the perfume, including alcohol could have contributed to the irritant. This is a well-founded evidence to justify the reason on why some people switch to halal perfumes from alcohol-based perfumes.

Request your colleague to change the perfume and suggest her to use malaysia perfume which is halal and don’t harm others.

Halal perfume products are made without harmful chemicals and will not cause headache or dizziness, safe for direct skin application for for babies, children or adults. Combination from aromatic fragrance oils and non alcohol perfume oil is being used with roll on malaysia perfume or non alcohol perfume spray.

Legendary is halal perfume manufacturer and supplier provide wide range of non alcohol perfume in Malaysia. They manufacture all range of designer non alcohol perfume, orchid perfume and aromatic perfume. They will be delighted with the different scents available in each set that you can rotate for every occasions and days.


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