Interior Design

How to Find the Right Interior Designer for Your Space

Finding the right interior designer for your home is important for more reasons than one. While you may initially be drawn to the designer that boasts the showiest home decor in their designs, you might want to think about practicality, experience, and other aspects that go into the interior design selection process beyond flashy aesthetics.

The search for the best interior designers available to you actually starts before you even begin to do your research. There are several limiting factors that will narrow the scale of your options, from project size and scope, to budget, to style. Any designer you choose should meet all the requirements of your home decor project, which is why it’s important to come up with an initial list of your concrete, unchanging needs.

Right Interior Designer

For instance, if you know you absolutely want to knock down the wall separating your kitchen and your living room, you’ll need the best interior designers that know how to handle a renovation like that. Depending on your predetermined budget, you’ll also need to hire interior designer that understands these limitations and knows how to work within them.

Creating an interior design from a space that is lacking can be difficult when you are not properly trained in the area, so you’ll also consider the reasons you need to hire interior designer, and cannot simply do the renovation yourself. Whether you’re pressed for time, or don’t have the expertise to create a cohesive space on your own, you’ll want to express these to a designer so that you can put the responsibility into their hands.

Think about the importance of the end result of your home’s interior design: you spend most of your time in your home, so it needs to be a place where you feel comfortable, and fully represented through the chosen home decor.

So now that you know the basic logistics of what you’ll need from your interior designer, how do you go about actually locating them? There are two main ways that generally work for most people when starting a search regarding interior design: researching online, or through word of mouth recommendations from peers.

If you know others who have had an interior designer come in to redo their space, go ahead and ask about the process. While we often admire homes from a distance without asking very many questions, you may actually be surprised to find many people use an interior designer to elevate their home decor, so see how they found their own best interior designers.

Speak with peers, co-workers, friends, and family to see what worked for them, and what didn’t. More than likely, most of your peers are on the same level of knowledge about interior design as you are. Even if you don’t end up working with any of the suggested interior designers or firms, you’ll likely end up with a lot more information, know what to look for, what to ask, and what to avoid when on your own search for the best in interior decoration.

Begin your search online, starting with firms that are localized to your area. For instance, if you live in the New York City area, you’ll likely have luck with a search like ‘interior design nyc’. Research the top firms that appear, as these are likely more legitimate and have a more established business.

Look at everything from reviews, to past projects, to the type of home decor sourced, to costs, to their experience in interior design, and logistics provided. From there, you can narrow down the firms or specific interior designers you’re interested in to a handful, and contact them from there. And just like that, you’re on your way to experience the presence of the best interior designers to hire like Décor Aid.

We highly recommend scheduling consultations with a number of different designers so that you can assess the pros and cons, instead of going with the first designer you see that you feel understands your style of interior decoration and preferences in home decor.

Once you meet with a designer face to face in your own home, you can then get a better feel on what the working relationship would be like with them. Do they seem receptive to your individual style of interior decoration? Do they have a clear point of view? Do they understand your style?

When you meet your interior designer for a consultation, be sure to ask as many specific questions as you feel necessary. It’s better to be certain that they understand your interior decoration preferences fully, instead of embellishing on it.

Don’t be afraid to assess different proposals from different designers, either. See what kind of interior design each comes up with and assess them side by side to see which pieces of home decor you prefer and why. Which designer has a better grasp on your style and a clearer direction on how to get there?

And keep in mind, a great designer will listen, but know how to direct you to better interior decoration and design techniques. They will reign in direction, but still elevate your own personal style to a level you aren’t able to achieve on your own.

Once you decide, it’s then time to start to put together a plan that’s more than just a list of pieces of home decor. Work with who you’ve selected from the pool of best interior designers to figure out a timeline, budget, and processing plan to achieve what you want out of the interior design of your dreams.


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